Cattle branding - fire v electric

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Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 11/02/2015 - 13:05

Cattle branding - fire v electric

We are about to brand for the first time - about a dozen head this year, never more than that in future. Not sure whether to opt for a fire brand or an electric - which is better for smallholders like us? Thanks Peter

Last seen: 09/17/2019 - 18:07
Joined: 11/23/2011 - 09:38

Hi Peter,

probably one for Charlie, but I have always used a fire brand. If you have no experience with branding it might be an idea for you to have someone who has done it before, demonstrate the technique to you. You can also have a freeze brand made, although I have never used one.


When I use my fire brand I heat it in the gas furnace until it is cherry red not orange red or white hot. If too hot you can cause damage to the animal. When the brand has reached the correct temperature, hold it just above the area to be branded, level it in line with hip, then quickly lower it and count to three before lifting it straight out from the spot, so as not to smear the brand. Do not press too hard and don't leave it on longer than three seconds. Pressing too hard will make the brand go through the hide and into the muscle of the animal, causing a nasty burn.  




Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 09/23/2011 - 16:27



All the land holders near me that have cattle just have ear tags - no branding. We have 15 head agisted at our place and none are branded. Is that even still done today! Unless you have a good reason to brand I'd suggest just a nice big clear eartag plus the NLIS one. Cattle studs also use ear tags that have needles on like a tatoo. They are applied with pliers and that leaves a numberered/lettered tatoo in the ear. I presume your worried about them being stolen?



Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 11/02/2015 - 13:05

Not so much fear of their being stolen, Mike - branding is compulsory for cattle when they are offered for sale in Queensland.  Our cattle are all NLIS RFD tagged, but in Queensland (and I think only in Queensland) you are also require to brand cattle (over 100kg liveweight) before sale.  So yes, people are still branding!


Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 09/23/2011 - 16:27

Hi Comraich


Okies. That will just reinforce the differences between us here and you guys up there :-)

I learn something every day. That would mean also that the skins are worthless as hides. In NSW the skins are valuable as floor rugs.


Best wishes


Last seen: 09/17/2019 - 18:07
Joined: 11/23/2011 - 09:38

Hi Peter,

The other grazier who answered your question is quite correct, in Qld we are obliged to brand cattle that we are selling. The reason for this is the ammount of cattle duffing that still occurrs in Qld. Not only do we have to brand but we also have to put NLIS Tags on the cattle too. Stud stock ar often micro chipped also. When cattle are sold, We need to supply completed way bills that also incorporate the National Vendor Declaration form. If cattle are not dehorned before going to the sale yards here in Qld, we are charged for this as they do it in the sale yards. The reason for this is to prevent horn damage to the hides from cattle in the yards. So there are a number of procedures to follow when selling cattle.


Yes branding does mean that the area where the brand is on the hide, is scarred. Most of the scarred area of the hide is not wasted as damaged areas can be used to make composite leather products and so on.

Hope this clarifies some of you concerns.



Last seen: 06/11/2019 - 19:02
Joined: 06/11/2019 - 14:01

Hi Pete .
Best way is to freeze brand, if you really must or try ear tagging. They should already have tags. subjecting animals to the hot iron is very cruel, and can lead to infection and shock. ask the local vet , they will get you going. vets are there to help.

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