Water tanks for drinking water

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Water tanks for drinking water

Hi Everybody,


We've purchased a block with a shed house on and our longer term plan is to build our own house and new sheds.  We aim to have water tanks to collect rainwater from each of the new buildings but we're not sure what type of tank is suitable so that we can use the water for domestic purposes (particularly drinking).


We grew up in the country and drinking water came from a corrugated iron tank on a tank stand.  When it got a bit tired, it was concreted to fix the leaks, so our experience of drinking water is based on steel or concrete.


Are the poly tanks that are now available suitable for use for drinking water?  Do any of the compounds in the plastic leech into the water over time?



Linda and Laurie 

Last seen: 09/17/2019 - 18:07
Joined: 11/23/2011 - 09:38

Hi Linda and Laurie,

I can only speak from my own experience as I'm a 5th generation Australian living on the land. I grew up with water from corregated tanks but the tanks I now have my drinking water in are both Ferro concrete, which are excellent. Most of my friends have either corregated tanks with aquaplate lining (nylon) and the water seems to taste good from them or Ferro concrete tanks. I have only ever tried water from one of the modern poly tanks and didn't like the taste of the water from it. However, having said that, I guess you would get used to it after a time. Modern tanks are usually set on the ground or in the ground, with an electric pump to push the water up into the house, so the cost of the pump would need to be factored in. When buying a pump, I would suggest getting a constant pressure one so that you don't get surges happening, which can be a pest when having a shower for instance.


hope some of this helps,


Last seen: 07/06/2023 - 21:03
Joined: 04/05/2015 - 09:51
Hello We are using Bushmans Poly tanks on our property. I can't compare the taste to corrugated or concrete but we haven't had an issue with taste. We boil the water from the tanks for drinking. Poly tanks are food grade so I imagine they are safe from plastic leeching.

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