Wannabe primary producer

3 posts

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12 years 6 months
Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 08/31/2012 - 21:35

Wannabe primary producer

Hi everyone, my goal over the next ten years is to save enough and learn enough to be able to run a farming operation that'll provide enough $$$ and enough satisfaction during my retirement. I'm looking at maybe in 10 years time. 


To everyone who has farmland already, you're very fortunate and incredibility smart - it's an asset that will be even more valuable in the foreseeable future as our economic condotions are in for one major shake up shortly. I hope to learn a lot here and maybe share some of my knowledge on the way.  Wink

Last seen: 12/26/2018 - 09:21
Joined: 05/31/2011 - 09:44

Hi mmm....shiney,

Welcome, great to have you part of the small farming community. I love your goal setting and enthusiasm towards owning your own farm.

There are many experts out there who believe that agriculture will be the next boom. I hope so, many farmers have suffered from declining terms of trade and are asset rich and cash poor. You may be interested in this video http://www.finnewsnetwork.com.au/archives/finance_news_network19570.html. It is with Jim Rogers and American investor who is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he retired when he was 36 and believes the agricultural boom is coming.   

Look forward to you sharing your knowledge with us and keeping us updated on your farming journey.


Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 08/31/2012 - 21:35

Thanks for the welcome charlie.

I'm very familiar with Jim Rogers' ideas, after all my name is mmm....shiney.  Wink His investment ideas and the likes of other commentators with a similar view form the key fundamental of my portfolio. Hopefully it goes to plan so I can afford my farm one day.

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