Getting started
Hi everyone. my name is Ashleigh. For a while now my fiance and I have been talking about our dream to run a property as our main source of incom. We have always wanted to live the farming lifestyle, although buying our dream property is a few years off yet. I thought I would start researching it now. My fiance has grown up around farming and knows a fair bit about it all, I on the otherhand not so much other then doing Ag in yr7 and yr9 at school.I do know that it will be alot of work and take alot of knowledge, I would like to extend my knowledge Im hoping you can direct me to the right places. websites, books, etc. I want to learn about running a property from the care of the livestock right through to the running the business side of things as this would be majority of my domain. Ultimatley we want to be just running cattle and a few head of sheep for our own use. We were thinking of iniatially starting with more sheep then cattle so that we can start making money sooner and gradually build our cattle herd as it takes more time to make a profit from cattle. I will appreciate any information that you can give me as well as any suggestions as to what else I should be looking in to. Thankyou Ashleigh