New hobby farm
I havent looked around the web site yet but looks like theres lots of infomation. Looking forward to participating on this site. Thought I'd introduce myself first. I currently live in victoria and have 6 hens, small veggie patch and greenhouse on a small house block. We have just bought 27 acres in tasmania and looking forward to expand to a hobby farm. Going to breed chickens for eggs and meat, raise 5 to 6 lambs for meat and help with the mowing, start with one bee hive and mabye expand to 4 or 5 for honey and to help pollinate my vegies and flowers and of course plenty of veggies. I would also like to keep pigs as pork is my favourite meat. The area where moving to has a swap market every second week where people can bring thier exess produce and swap with others. Our goal is to be as self sufficient as possible without being full time farmers (get off the grid as you would say)