Stay managing with less risk or 50:50 or equity share??
My husband has worked on dairy farms for 20 years and we are in a good financial position, owning our home and a small lifestyle block (well by owning it, having a mortgage on it). Husband has managed a small dairy farm for the last 10 years (220 cows) and earns a salary of around $75k (NZ). Our accountant recommends that we step up to either 50:50 or equity share, the farm owners are unsure but are prepared to listen to our proposal. We are unsure ourselves, with 3 young children and never having enough hours in the day as it is, it seems like a minefield jumping in to such a scary financial position. We have an excellent accountant and the banks seem more than willing to hand out at the moment but we aren't risk takers (obviously as still in the same place we were 10 years ago). Now we look back and wish we'd jumped into 50:50 10+ years ago, will we look back in another 10 years and think we should have done it?! Any advice appreciated.