Potential New Farm
Hi All
My husband & I have been looking into buying 100 acres for a while to run a few head of cattle on it. We inspected a property over the weekend but is a little bigger than we planned, its 1600 acres.
The property its self is great, it is in the central west at 1100mts alitude, and the current owner has been running Wagyu cattle on it for years, the pastures are in great condition and there is an abundance of water. The stock & station agent said we could run on it 400 head of cattle without a problem & that was factoring in the area that is timbered.
My question is, what cattle breed should we look at to run on this propety, we were thinking Wagyu but I understand that they have a longer feeding period to get the better prices on. We are looking for something we can do some short term (2-3 years) trading on to pay the mortgage & then maybe progress into a different breed that has a higher yield, and can we run two different breeds of cattle on the one property?
Sorry if this sounds dumb, but we really like the property & would like to develop a business plan for the bank & I would like to consider our options.