Tue, 09/29/2015 - 08:39
Trade Apple/Fruit Trees from Overseas? Any Suggestions Please
Hello everyone,
I searched alot but couldn't find any answer hope anyone help me out.
I want to start a small farm here in Australia. My relatives have a huge farm back home and they are willing to support me by any means to start a farm here.
My questions is can I bring Apple trees from back home to Australia? I don't know may be it sound confusing but it can saves 4-5 years of time if I were to start from planting small trees of apple. Is it allowed? Are there any serious health issues when bringing any fruit trees in?
Can you please tell me who are the best to contact and dig some information about trading trees? Or is it just prohibited at all ?
Where is the best place to start the farm? WA, VIC, NSW, QL? I'm willing to travel any part of Australia.
Also is 500k-900k enough to start a small farm? Or is it in millions?
Any support is much appreciated
Thank you very much