Natural sequence farming

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Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 05/15/2014 - 22:04

Natural sequence farming

Hello everyone

has anyone out there tried natural sequence farming on a small scale say 15 acres or less as i am vary interested in finding out how it works,

my property is in the souther riverina with a rain fall of less that 450mm per year, my reserch  online of the larger scale operations look vary promissing so i am keen to try this myself

Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 11/13/2015 - 11:03

Hey Fitzy

Ive also wondered this as we've got the same rainfall- if we're lucky!


I know natural rainfall/creek flows play an important part in the phylosiphy so would be interested to hear how NSF would work with minimal rainfall??

I would have thought the low rainfall would slow down the pocess?


How many people are following the NSF philosiphy??

Last seen: 09/17/2019 - 18:07
Joined: 11/23/2011 - 09:38

Hi Fitzy,

I have been a grazier for many years and have never heard of NSF. Can you please tell us what it involves. I have a pretty good grasp of Permaculture but know nothing about NSF.


The native Americans used to grow corn in what they termed dry land farming. Is NSF similar to that?




Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 09/23/2011 - 16:27


The person that developed it is Peter Andrews who has been fighting the ines in the Bylong valley, NSW. The farm where this system of slowing down the water flow so it reamains in one place for longer and slowly moves down the valleys was called Tarwyn Park but that farm has now been subsumed by a mining company. Its a very sorry sorry tale and its been covred in a documentary on TV just this year.

Some quick internet references:

Peter Andrews has a book about it for sale on his website. That would probably be the "definative guide".  I should get the book myself to see what things I agree with and what i don't agree with :-)


Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 05/15/2014 - 22:04

Thank you all for your reply

Barb hope you had a look at what NSF is as it is a bit hard to discribe

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