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8 years 10 months
Last seen: 11/29/2019 - 19:39
Joined: 04/24/2016 - 09:37


Barb is probably the best one to answer this question as she is the resident expert on Goats. We have 2 miniature goats on our farm they are wonderful pets and lots of fun. We keep them in a fenced off area 10 x 10 mt with lots of shade and water and lawn (which they don't eat much to my surprise) they are still on a bottle twice a day and are doing fine we let them out most days to run around in our yard. My question is they are a lot of work cleaning up there droppings that they do on the concrete slab.We have put down shavings but its still a job that we want to get out of. I'm going to build them a bigger area still on a slab (a different one) but a nice hilly area with more roughage to eat.We have 60 cows and horses and I don't have to pick up after them . If i don't use the slab will i have to clean up after them they even wee on the slab why cant the be like my horses and use one spot any ideas any one!!. Regards Graeme
Last seen: 09/17/2019 - 18:07
Joined: 11/23/2011 - 09:38
Hi Dave, in answer to your question. I would suggest making a small roofed over sleeping area 2mx2m , with three sides covered in, and a small wooden platform for them to rest on when weather is cold or hot, with the most frequent wind and rain area being the back wall. This should be the only concreted area. Make sure the roof is high enough for you to get in there to clean without knocking yourself unconscious! I used bedding straw - the same sort as used for horse stalls. Goat manure is the best ever mulch for citrus (keep it 15 cm away from the trunk), and acid loving vegies, especially when mulched with the used straw, that also has some goat piddle in it. It contains lots of nutrients and urea (nitrogen). Count it as a blessing rather that a curse. It is much easier to rake, and then fork up the straw, than it is shavings. Consider over sowing the new area with some type of grazing grass and legume mixture and allow it to establish for 6 weeks from sowing to grazing when your beautiful miniature goats are introduced. Personally I have never had the pleasure of owning this delightful breed. Kind regards, Barb
Last seen: 11/29/2019 - 19:39
Joined: 04/24/2016 - 09:37
Hi Barb thanks so much for your quick reply I new you could help. I love the response its not a curse but a blessing . Regards Graeme

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