Wool Roving

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Last seen: 01/01/1970 - 10:00
Joined: 12/07/2018 - 14:58

Wool Roving

Hi all,

I'm getting into handspinning as a hobby and I'm keen to get started as soon as I get set up because to me there's just something about actually creating the yarn with your own two hands that you crochet a scarf out of. Pretty cool actually, like growing your own meat and vegetables :)

What I want to know is whether it's possible to purchase smaller amounts (like 10 - 30kgs) of carded wool roving directly from the producers instead of from a shop or ebay.  Is that a usual thing or is it not a done thing?

Last seen: 12/26/2018 - 09:21
Joined: 05/31/2011 - 09:44

Hi G&R,

Welcome to the small farming forum, nice to have you as part of the community.

No farmers that I know would have carded wool as this is one of the first stages of the manufacturing process. For those of you who do not know, carding is where the wool is brushed or the straightening of the wool fibres. As you would be aware there are now very few wool scouring and processing facilities left in Australia with all manufacturing now done offshore.

Have you tried a place like Nundle wool mill, they may be able to assist you with carded wool?



Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 09/23/2011 - 16:27

Hi GandR


We have alpaca roving in white and natural colours. My wife says It is delightful to hand spin and can be combined with wool or dyed any colour. It has been grown by our herd of alpacas, then processed in Australia by various mini mills and sold as Marlyn Alpaca ( see the roving and tops page on www.marlynalpaca.com.au ). My wife frequently spins a single of alpaca and plies it with a single of dyed wool, giving a yarn with amazing properties. She uses pre-dyed wool roving from First Edition Fibres of Euroa and from many others that she met at the Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show. For larger quantities she suggests you might look at Cashmere Connections in Victoria. For something unique she says have a look at Gotland tops and batts from Granite Haven Llamas in Victoria.


Best wishes


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