Buying a farm under budget and geographical preference
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Hi, I am investigating small scale essential oil production and am trying to find some more information on small to medium steam distillers. I found the article on starting a lavender farm helpful, but I was wondering if anyone could recommend a website or place of someone that sells good stills. Either new or second hand. Thanks very much
Hi, We have a small acreage in central Victoria and are looking to agist sheep.
Can anyone let me know the current per/head rates or advise me where to find these?
Thanks Jacqueline
Have finally bought our farm in South east Queensland,looking at putting some minature breeds of cattle on to be self sustaining as well as selling of the ones we dont need.
Has anyone had any experience with small breeds and what do you suggest oor think we will beon 35acres.
Thinking of getting to cows withhopefully calves on foot and pregnant as well to start of, and a bull later on?
Any advice welcome.
Is there a way to improve the soil for grazing without using products containing mercury etc. is there an organic fertiliser that we can add that will start healing the soil, and start a positive regeneration process for the long term benefit of both the animals (mostly cattle) and the land?
I’m not really sure where to start but here goes.
I am located in East Greenmount approx. 20km south of Toowoomba. I live on 55acres with 15 mixed breed breeders and a couple of horses. My paddocks are bare and I need an alternate to buying grain and hay in. Driving into town there are a number of farmers who rotate and strip feed their cattle on varying sized paddocks. (Some smaller than a house block). Their cattle are healthy and well fed looking.
Hello there,
We are looking to start a small poultry business with free range eggs, my question is:
How to build the network to suppliers? How to get well known in the market?
Thanks you so much for your advise.
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